Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Karrueche Tran a positive influence on Chris Brown?

Even though some people out there might be hardcore Rihanna fans this has to be said. 

Whenever he is with Karrueche Tran I have come to notice that he is well behaved, possibly on his best behaviour which is good for his career. Why is it that when he is with Karrueche he is such an angel but when he is with Rihanna he is all over the place? This question was then answered for me by Steve Harvey ( the writer of Act like a lady think like a man),well he answered this question with the words "A man only cahnges for one woman" 

In this case it just shows that, that one woman is Karrueche no matter hwo hard it maybe to admit. Rihanna maybe famous, filthy rich and beautiful but even all that doesn't get you the kind of man you want, all that doesn't make him change only for you. People may not want to see how much Chris has changed thanks to Kae.

Remember the first time he and Rihanna broke up? well he had a number of flings and then he met Kae, we hardly heard anything bad about Chris Brown during that time all we heard about him was just his music and that was it. Then they broke up and he went back to Rihanna (in my opinion, keep this in mind he probably went back to her out of guilt for what he did to her back in the day, wanted to carry on from where they left off) he went back to his bad boy ways and started cheating on her didn't really care how she felt. No matter how much you love someone you shouldn't in such a relationship its not healthy you are being taken advantage of.

Maybe when Chris is with Rihanna he just feels it's ok to do whatever he wants.

I do believe that Rihanna will find love its just that it won't be with Chris Brown. Even though Rihanna fans may call Kae all kinds of names at the end of the day we have to admit that, he is in a better place because of her. Just truly think about it you will see what I see. :)

Tell me what you think

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