Friday, November 15, 2013

Beyonce and Jay Z splitting? No ways

So I wake up to find out that Beyonce and Jay Z are splitting for a few seconds I thought that might actually be true until I read the articles.
One thing I have come to know about Beyone and Jay Z is that they don't have friends who run off and talk to the media every chance they get, they actually have friends that are real. So when I read that 'a source has confirmed that there has been marriage problems for a while' I just knew that all that stuff was probably made up by some journalist who had no story and had to come up with something really fast (don't always believe what you read). When Beyonce and Jay Z actually want to split up and that's if that actually happens then they will confirm through their publicists.
So for now believe this Beyonce and Jay Z are not splitiing up no matter how much some people may want them to, this is one couple I know are in it for life unlike some celebs we know (I won't mention names).
They will probably confirm very soon that they are not splitting up.
Tell me what you thing in the comments section - Hopefully none of you people believed it from the moment you heard it

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