Thursday, March 14, 2013

This is aimed at Justin Bieber and his fans

I just have to get this of my chest, anyone can tell that Justin Bieber's fans are between 10 and 18 because people out of this age group know how to act better.

I heard about how Justin Bieber's fans attacked Olivia Wilde for telling him to put on a shirt ( seriously who does that it's not like she told him to go and eat s***t) but his fans start sending her death threats to me that is just some serious childishness right there, who sends death threats to someone just because they told your favourite celebrity to put on a shirt.

There is nothing wrong with not wearing a shirt but showing up in public all the time without a shirt it gets annoying, especially if you don't have a hot body, Justin is not Hot he is OK! It's just like One Direction they are not hotter without their shirts on maybe if they where working out and it showed then it would be a different story.

I just heard that Justin bashed Lindsay Lohan for not having money and her tax bill (Does any of this sound familiar), his fans have stuck up for him. Am I the only one who doesn't get it? because I personally think after the way His fans treated Olivia Wilde for voicing her opinion he should be getting bashed as well, it just doesn't sound fair, you can tell that his fans can't tell wrong from right.

Good thing Selena Gomez left him at least she doesn't have to deal with him and his crazy fans anymore. I also don't understand why death threats are sent to a girl he is dating, its not like he can date all his fans at once. No one should take their opinion seriously these fans still need to grow up.

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