Friday, July 5, 2013

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez together again?

Are there fireworks once again between Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez?

Hollywood Life is reporting that the on-off couple indeed spent the patriotic holiday together. God bless America!

According to Hollywood Life, rapper Lil Twist posted a photo to Twitter of himself hanging out on the Fourth of July with Justin, followed by one of himself with Selena. 

Also, Jas Prince, who is Christina Millian's fiance, posted a video to Instagram from the night of the 4th. Justin and Selena can be seen in the background, and Justin has his arm around her.

However, was that really Selena? There's some doubt as to whether it was in fact her, since the photo posted by Lil Twist was a bit blurry. Plus, the girl in the video has Selena's same hair, but it's hard to completely see her face.

But it would make sense that they would spend the day together, since they had been reportedly spotted on a movie date last week.

We're just hoping for all you Jelena fans out there that the rumors about them enjoying the 4th together are true. Because what could be a better than a day where Jelena reunites and we all get to eat potato salad? Answer: Nothing could be better.

This relationship is unhealthy and I think it's time to let go, I am tired of hearing different relationship statuses every month about these two.

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