Friday, May 10, 2013

Justin Bieber posts a picture of himself drinking Beer in South Africa

Justin Bieber's having a good time in South Africa.

On Friday, the 19-year-old pop star posted an Instagram shot of himself and a friend enjoying "Beers in the jungle."

Now, before anyone freaks out, it should be noted that the drinking age in South Africa is 18.  Meaning? The Biebs has, per the laws of the land, been legally allowed to drink alcohol there since March 1, 2012.

The Biebs wasn't just boozing though. He shared two up-close and personal Instagram pics of elephants "#inthewild" , noting simply, "God is good."

On Wednesday, he performed an "Amazing" show in Cape Town (and tweeted out about Nelson Mandela, calling the former South African pres "the MAN!").

Then, a rep for McDonald's tells E! News, J.B. dropped in around 1 a.m. for a post-concert snack of a Big Mac, 10-piece chicken nuggets and a Coke. (Damn his metabolism.) He was, of course, accompanied by two bodyguards and two other members of his entourage

Justin has another Believe tour show this Sunday in Johannesburg. In the meantime, he's taking some time to "Live life full," according to Twitter.

Swag. Just remember, young Bieber, to have fun and drink in moderation!

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