Monday, June 24, 2013

Jada Pinkett Smith gives controversial relationship advice

Jada Pinkett Smith believes cheating can improve a relationship. 

The 41-year-old actress, who has been married to After Earth star Will Smith for 14 years, says that infidelity can help create greater understanding and respect between a couple if both partners are willing to put their egos aside but hinted she would never tolerate a habitual cheater. 

Forgive and forget

The Madagascar star posted some thoughtful advice to the question, "Should I stay with a mate after she or he has cheated on me?" on her Facebook page on Thursday, writing: "My observation has been that when most people cheat, they are trying to solve a problem. They are usually in some kind of emotional trouble or confusion that they believed the cheating would relieve. 

"Know this, if someone has cheated on you who truly loves you, they have hurt themselves as much as they have hurt you. 

"This makes for a great opportunity to deepen the relationship with thorough honesty, which creates deeper respect with some serious setting of boundaries. This is also when love gets real and true and illuminates what you are made of as a couple and as individuals. Situations like these could be the windows to a deeper commitment OR... to two separate paths on the way to look for new partners. Only the unique nature of your specific relationship can be the telling factor."

She added: "This is not referring to habitual cheaters. That is a different matter."

Will forever

Jada recently said she would never leave her husband, with whom she has kids, Jaden, 14, and Willow, 12. She said: "What is the thing that Will could do that would make me not love him?

"That would make me abandon him? I can't think of one. I'm sorry. Except if he did something bad to the kids - now we've got a problem. But that's it. We've had such an extraordinary life together."

Jada also revealed she never asks her friends for relationship advice, she just discusses any problems she has with Will. 

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