Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Serena Williams apologizes for rape comments

Serena Williams apologized

Wednesday for her controversial

comments to Rolling Stone about a

highly publicized rape case in

Steubenville, Ohio.

"What happened in Steubenville was

a real shock for me," Williams said in

a statement released on her

website. "I was deeply saddened. For

someone to be raped, and at only

sixteen, is such a horrible tragedy!

For both families involved — that of

the rape victim and of the accused. I

am currently reaching out to the

girl's family to let her know that I am

deeply sorry for what was written in

the Rolling Stone article.

What was written — what I supposedly said — is insensitive and

hurtful, and I by no

means would say or insinuate that

she was at all to blame.

"I have fought all of my career for

women's equality, women's equal

rights, respect in their fields —

anything I could do to support

women I have done. My prayers and

support always goes out to the rape

victim. In this case, most especially,

to an innocent sixteen year old child."

In March, two Steubenville High

School football players were

convicted of raping a drunken 16- year-old girl.

One defendant was

sentenced to at least one year in juvenile detention and the other

received at least two years. In a profile in the July 4 issue of


Stone, Williams questioned the

victim's judgment in allowing

herself to be put in such a dangerous

situation. From Stephen Rodrick's

story, which came from shadowing

Williams for a day in Florida three months ago:

We watch the news for a while, and the infamous Steubenville

rape case flashes on the TV –

two high school football players

raped a drunk 16-year-old,

while other students watched

and texted details of the crime. Serena just shakes her head.

"Do you think it was fair, what

they got? They did something

stupid, but I don't know. I'm not

blaming the girl, but if you're a 16-year-old and you're drunk like

that, your parents should teach you: Don't take drinks from other

people. She's 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn't remember?

It could

have been much worse.

She's lucky. Obviously, I don't know,

maybe she wasn't a virgin, but she shouldn't have put herself

in that position, unless they

slipped her something, then

that's different."

The 16-time Grand Slam champion also talks to the magazine about her

career ("When I stop playing, it's not

going to be because I'm sick of

playing. It's going to be because I'm sick of practicing") and Sloane

Stephens ("I don't know where all that mentor stuff came from. I am

definitely not that girl's mentor") and takes what the author presumes

is a veiled shot at Maria Sharapova

("There are people who live, breathe and dress tennis. I mean seriously,

give it a rest.").

But Williams' Steubenville comments have generated the most attention,

sparking a social-media firestorm

after Deadspin first published

excerpts of the story Tuesday.

Williams is the defending champion

at Wimbledon, which begins


I think I know what Serena was trying to say and it makes perfect

sense, why was a 16 year old drinking in the 1st place? Not to say she

is to blame for being raped.

Her parents should blame themselves for not teaching her about the

danger's of alcohol. Serena's commemt could help a lot of other young

girls who drink to the point where they can't remember their names.

She probably consented and does even know it. I do feel sorry for her

but at the same time I just want to like ask her some really tough


Hopefully people learn from this.

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