Thursday, January 31, 2013

Kristen Stewart feels neglected by Robert Pattinson

An insider told RadarOnline "with

Robert out of the country, a

thousand miles away working in

Australia, Kristen has been missing

him badly."

"Kristen is angry with him because

she thinks he's not giving her

enough attention - it's absolutely

killing her," the source continued.

"So, she's told him off and said she

wants more messages, updates, she doesn't feel

forgotten about!"

Their relationship has been fragile

ever since Kristen got caught up in a

cheating scandal last year when she

kissed her 'Snow White And The

Huntsman' director Rupert Sanders.

Robert is currently away to film 'The

Rover', an "existential Western"

directed by David Michod.

According to the source:

"Robert is

often starting his working day when

Kristen is busy, and vice versa. And

he's not the best at sending texts, or

keeping in touch in the first place."

It is thought that Kristen is putting

an extra amount of effort in to make

the relationship work, and there are

reports that she plans to fly to

Australia to surprise Robert on

Valentine's Day.

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