Thursday, January 31, 2013

Tony Scott's agents seek $1m unpaid fees

Tony Scott's agents are

seeking $1m in fees they say they

are owed for the deceased director's

work on films such as Unstoppable

and Man on Fire.

The Creative Artists Agency filed a

creditor's claim against the

director's estate on Monday.

Scott died after leaping from a Los

Angeles bridge in August.

The filing seeks a 10% share of

Scott's earnings to direct The Taking

of Pelham 123, Unstoppable, and

Deja Vu. CAA is also seeking residual

payments for Man on Fire, which

Scott directed for $7m plus a $1m

producing fee.

The filings state Deja Vu earned

Scott $10m, and he received a $9.5m

salary for the Pelham 123 remake.

An attorney for Scott's estate

declined comment through a


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