Thursday, January 31, 2013

Trouble in paradise for Bruce and Kris Jenner?

Does Kris Jenner make Bruce Jenner

so miserable that he is desperate to

divorce? reported on

Wednesday, Jan. 30

that despite "constant denials from

the Kardashian Kamp" reports keep

coming out that Bruce wants out of

his 21 year marriage to Kris.

Allegedly things are getting

"extremely ugly" between Bruce

and Kris, and according to the Feb. 11

edition of Star Magazine, the Jenners

have a "marriage of lies," and Bruce

is "miserable and wants out. Star

claims that Jenner feels trapped by

Kris because "she controls his family,

his family, his finances and his

reputation." reports that a "family

insider" told Star that Kris will not

consent to a divorce because "it

would seriously damage their


Bruce Jenner does not need

anyone's permission to file for and

obtain a divorce, but reportedly Kris

has threatened to air Bruce's dirty

laundry, which Star hints is a "little

on the girly side." Ellen Kardashian,

Robert Kardashian's widow, who is

also friends with Bruce's ex-wife

Chrystie Crownover, made

allegations about a year ago that

Bruce Jenner is a cross dresser.

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