Thursday, January 31, 2013

Randy Travis sentenced to 180 days in prison for DUI

Country singer Randy Travis has

been sentenced after his August

2012 drunk driving incident.

He plead

guilty to the incident, and was

sentenced to 180 days in jail on


However, he most likely won't spend

any time behind bars. In this case, it's

not because of jail overcrowding,

which is how folks like Lindsay

Lohan, Paris Hilton, and others

always seem to spend a few hours in

jail, and then are released.


Travis' sentence was probated for

two years.

In other words, he's on probation for

two years. As long as he stays on the

straight and narrow for that time,

he'll avoid jail. If however, he has a

legal problem, authorities can bring

him in and make him serve the 180


In addition to probation, Travis must

check in to an inpatient alcohol

treatment facility for a minimum of

30 days and complete 100 hours of

community service.

Finally, Travis must also install an

ignition interlock device on any

vehicle he drives for the next two

years. The interlock measures a

driver's blood alcohol level and will

prevent the engine from starting if

the driver's BAC is above the legal


Travis was arrested for DUI on Aug. 7,

2012. Police found him lying naked in

the roadway, having crashed his car

in a construction area in Texas.

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