Monday, February 4, 2013

Alicia keys criticized for sitting while singing National Anthem at Super Bowl

Alicia Keys is getting glowing

reviews for her rendition of the

national anthem at this weekend's

Super Bowl. However, she is also

getting criticized for not standing

during the performance, during

which she was seated behind a

grand piano. Some have assumed

this is why the NFL is blocking the

video of Alicia singing "The Star-

Spangled Banner."

"It was disrespectful," one morning

has mentioned. "They had enough time and

manpower to think of this before the

performance. They could have had

her stand at her piano keyboard and

sing. To me and a lot of my friends,

she sounded great but the visual

was wrong."

Alicia isn't the first person to appear

on live TV and be criticized for not

standing during the song. In

September 2012, Wolf Blitzer and

Piers Morgan both remained seated

for at least half of the national

anthem at the Republican National

Convention, which resulted in CNN

issuing the following statement:

"CNN's anchors stood during the

national anthem as soon as their

cables were disconnected and they

were able to do so."

"Alicia is a proud American and was

honored to perform at the event,"

says a publicist who has worked with

Keys. "Her slow version of 'The Star-

Spangled Banner' was her own

arrangement, accompanying herself

on the piano, adding 'living in the

home of the brave' at the end of the

song. It's silly to see how that was

being disrespectful."

However, the NFL says the

performance has been removed on

copyright grounds. "The Star-

Spangled Banner" is in the public

domain, as it was written before

copyright laws existed.


artists can copyright their own

arrangements of it. Whitney Houston

did just that in 1991 after she

performed a pre-recorded version of

the song

in the Super Bowl that year.

This has "nothing to do with the

content of the performance but a

rights issue," said NFL spokesman

Brian McCarthy, who added that plans to post the video


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