Monday, February 4, 2013

Warm Bodies tops weekend Box Office!

The 2013 box office race continues to

be a strange one. Last week, horror

action adventure Hansel and Gretel

topped every other film. This week,

the horror spoof Warm Bodies

followed suit. It's making everyone

wonder if all the economic bad news

has people running to escape reality.

Who would have guessed that a

movie about zombies falling in love

would ever top the box office? It's a

strange occurrence to say the least.

It wasn't just teens paying for the

tickets either. The theater mix was

nearly split between them and those

over the age of 21. However, no one

should get too excited because box

office ticket sales were down

significantly from last year.

This year,

the top movie made about half of

last year's film at the same time with

only $10 million.

Sylvester Stallone's newest venture

—Bullet to the Head—was

prophetic. It got one, barely topping

$4.5 million and landing in the

number six spot. However, it did far

better than Al Pacino's and Alan

Arkin's newest vehicle—Stand Up

Guys. That only made about $1.5

million and it didn't crack the top 10.

A few of the Best Picture nominees

stayed alive. Silver Linings Playbook

finished third with $8.1 million. Zero

Dark Thirty made $5.3 million and

came in at number five. Django

Unchained pulled in $3 million at

number eight. Les Miserables racked

up another $2.44 million at number

nine. Finally, Lincoln kept on rolling

along with $2.4 million, rounding out

the top 10.

Hansel and Gretel kept plugging

along too, making another $9.2

million, allowing it to hang on to

second place. Another horror film,

Mama, finished 4th with $6.7 million.

Parker landed at number seven with

$3.2 million.

Sadly, the choices are pretty slim.

There isn't much to choose from

right now. Hopefully, Hollywood will

rectify that soon and venture forth

with some much needed comedy

and a bit of romance too. The

weekend just before Valentine's Day

at least looks promising. If horror

tops the list even then, it's a good

guess the country is in big trouble (Horror mood).

But then, Warm Bodies is about

zombie love.

Did you watch any of these movies

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