Friday, February 1, 2013

Arnold Schwarzenegger sex pic for sale, offered $150K

A porn site has offered

$150 000 for photo of Arnold

Schwarzenegger having sex.

Financial entrepreneur Jeremy

Frommer purchased storage lockers

once owned by deceased Penthouse

founder Bob Guccione and found lots

of unpublished intimate photos of

celebrities, including

Schwarzenegger, Madonna and

Lauren Hutton. is keen to acquire the

image of the Terminator star - which

shows him naked and in throes of

passion - and has offered at least $

150 000 for the picture.

According to gossip site TMZ, said: "Let's face it. The

real value here is in

Schwarzenegger's 'Schwanz'."

It is unclear whether Frommer will

accept the money.

Trying to win his wife back

It is also not known who

Schwarzenegger is having sex with.

The 65-year-old star is currently

trying to win back estranged wife

Maria Shriver after they split in 2011

after a 25-year marriage.

Just after they broke up, it was

revealed the former Governor of

California had secretly fathered a

child with their housekeeper

Mildred Baena.

Asked if he still believes they will

get back together, he said: "Yeah.

Yeah, absolutely. Maria and I are still

in touch. If you've got kids, you'd

better be in touch. But Maria and I

have a great relationship."

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