Wednesday, February 27, 2013

'I regret giving Amy Winehouse heroin' - Blake Fielder

 Blake Fielder-Civil wishes he had never let Amy Winehouse try heroin.

The reformed drug addict accepts he was responsible for introducing his late ex-wife to the dangerous drug and he believes the first time she tried heroin it sent her on a destructive path.

Recalling the night Amy smoked the substance for the first time on TV series The Jeremy Kyle Show, Blake said: "I'd taken it about three or four times, we were in a hotel in east London and I think I had about £10 of heroin with me, which is something I used to do after a club. I was smoking it on foil and she said, 'Can I try some?' I think I might have put up a weak resistance, the fact is whatever I said she did end up having some."

'She never injected it'

When asked by host Jeremy if that moment was the crossroads of the musician's life, he replied: "Well, yeah."

According to Blake, the first time Amy dabbled with the drug was "around two months" before they got married in Miami in May 2007 but he insists she didn't get hooked on heroin straight away. 

He said: "I've admitted that I was there when Amy had (heroin) for the first time, it was my doing, I don't think she'd ever experienced it without me ... the thing with heroin is you don't take it once and get a dependency straight away it can take quite a while to be build up a dependency ... I got my first habit where I had to do it every day before we went to get to America to get married. So it was maybe two months after that (she needed it). We smoked, she never injected it, I did inject eventually but not with Amy, after the relationship ended. 

"We were using it once a week for about two to three weeks, to then twice a week and then it gradually built up like that. One day we were laying in bed and Amy said she felt like she had a cold and I felt awful as well and I said, 'I think this is withdrawal.' And she said, 'I'm not doing that again.' Because it felt so horrible."

Beat his own addiction demons

A humble and repentant Blake - who has managed to beat his own addiction demons after a successful stint in rehab - regrets ever taking drugs with the Back to Black singer and all the damage their behaviour caused to their loved ones.

Asked if he wishes he'd never given her that first hit of heroin, he replied: "That goes without saying, of course. I have to be really concious about what I say because I don't want it to seem that I'm shirking responsibility. The fact is is that of course I regret it; not only just because of the damage it's caused Amy, and the loss of her life and the damage to her family, but also to my family and also to me. We've all gone through this addiction."

Amy died in July 2011 at the age of just 27 after an alcohol binge, and Blake - who raises two children with his partner Sarah Aspin - feels tremendous guilt about her passing, admitting when she passed he lost his "best friend".

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