Saturday, February 2, 2013

Oprah Winfrey sued for sex discrimination by former employee

Oprah Winfrey is being sued by a

former employee for sex

discrimination. Carolyn Hommel is

claiming she lost her job with

Oprah's OWN network due to her

pregnancy, according to TMZ on Feb.


Hommel filed the lawsuit against

Oprah on Friday. Hommel was hired

in 2010 as a senior director of

scheduling and acquisitions for the

OWN network. According to

Hommel's claims, she was told she

was on the track to become a VP.

When Hommel became pregnant,

her duties began slowly being

transferred to temporary employees.

When Hommel returned from

medical leave after having her baby,

she claims she was excluded from

meetings. Hommel was let go one

month after giving birth to her baby.

When Hommel returned to Oprah's

OWN network after having her baby

she was told to re-apply for the VP

position, but was passed over for the

job. Hommel also claims that her

boss, Michael Garner, fabricated her

performance review to make it look

like her duties and responsibilities

were not those of what a senior

director have. This also contributed

to her not being a candidate for the

VP position.

Carolyn Hommel believes her

dismissal was due to her pregnancy.

It will now be left up to the judge to

decide. Do you think Hommel will

have a case against Oprah Winfrey

and her OWN network?

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