Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Rihanna Says she is not a rolemodel, Really?

Rihanna recently said that she is no rolemodel, well I don't agree with her at all.

Being a rolemodel is not something that you just put to the side just because you wanna have a bit of fun (Dating Chris Brown). If you are a celebriy then being a rolemodel comes automatically. The moment a celebrity has a "fan" then that mean that celebrity is a rolemodel because the fans look up to their favourite celebrities.

If a celebrity parties and sleeps around (am not refering to Rihanna) all the time that's what their fans will also do, especially those once who don't have anyone to look up to, so they decide to look up to their favourite celebrities. 

Lets take Rihanna and Chris Brown some of their fans are going to think it's ok to go back to someone who was once abusive towards them and some stories won't hae a happy ending. Women go back to men who once abused them because they think they have changed,hopefully no woman out the will go back to her abuser thinking he has changed and they can be like Chris Brown and Rihanna.

With Chris Brown and Rihanna we only see the outside (the good things) of their relationship. Rihanna is a rolemodel whether she likes it or not,hopefully she can grow to be a better rolemodel.

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